Saturday 9 April 2011

Tangled up in blue.....

Jardin Majorelle, Marrakech by Joanne Fleming Design

When I was in Morocco a few years ago, I paid a visit to the Jardin Majorelle in Marrakech. These wonderful gardens were created in the 1920s by artist Jacques Majorelle, and after a period of neglect, they were bought and restored to their current splendour in 1980 by couturier Yves St Laurent, whose ashes were scattered here upon his death in 2008.
The place really is exquisite, and the vividness of the distinctive chalky cobalt blue paint on the buildings and planters is a perfect  foil to the lushness of the vegetation.

Cobalt blue paintwork at the Jardin Majorelle

The Museum of Islamic Art in the Jardin Majorelle

After a week in Marrakech, a few days in the more chilled out atmosphere of Essaouira on the coast was an ideal antidote to the hurly-burly of the labyrinthine souks and general cacophony of the Djeema al Fna.
A couple of snaps I took there echo the Majorelle colour scheme......

Oh, and here's a pic of me on the ramparts of Essaouira....

Joanne Fleming in Essaouira, Morocco

As you can see, I'm fully embracing a locally-influenced style of dress.....I do like a flowing robe, and on several occasions was mistaken by friendly natives as Egyptian (!). My broken schoolgirl French was enough to get me by in the early morning food market, although completely put to shame of course by the working knowledge of several European languages and mastery of numerous Arabic dialects by almost all of the local stall-holders.

Anyway, what is the relevance of all this to the JFD Brighton emporium I hear you ask....
Ladies and gentlemen I present......the watering can!

Cobalt enamel watering can in the JFD studio courtyard

I spotted this yesterday, and immeadiately thought of my visits to Morocco, and the Jardin Majorelle in particular, and then I remembered that the gate in the studio courtyard is also painted a very similar shade......I can't believe this didn't register before!

Blue gate in the JFD studio courtyard

A good sanding and a recoat, and possibly a less obtrusive a few banana plants (arriving Monday) and some canna lillies, and I sense a little theme coming on......

Check back in a couple of months to see how I'm doing......


  1. lovely - this looks completely stunning - im a bit biased though because this is one of my two favourite colours :-) can't wait to see how it turns out xxx

  2. Hey thanks is such a great colour isn't it....and once the plants have really gotten established it will hopefully be like a little corner of a Moroccan riad!


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