Saturday 6 August 2011

A Shoot with Miss Aniela

I haven't posted anything for what seems like ages, not due to a lack of material.....just a severe lack of time! I have been in the throes of peak wedding season for the last couple of months, with still another two months to go before the pace starts to slacken which point I will have lots to share.
However, I can't possibly wait that long before putting up these gorgeous images by fine-art portrait photographer Miss Aniela.
Miss Aniela borrowed a selection of sample designs for one of her reknowned photo-shoot workshops, at which a group of photographers gather at some fabulous location and get a whole day to work with a team of models, hairstylists and MUAs for a portfolio update.....with the added benefit of  Miss Aniela being on hand to offer advice and direction.
Anyway, here they are......

You can read Miss Aniela's thoughts on these images, plus see further shots from the other photographers at The Roost workshop over on Flickr.....

And here's a video of the shoot day.....

Miss Aniela Shoot Experience at the Roost, July '11 from Miss Aniela on Vimeo.


  1. Your dresses are just "magnifique" (a french word to say really really really beautiful :)

  2. wow, amazing images and the video is just brilliant, love the whole production.

  3. Fantastic shots. I have been pestering Miss Aniela for months about modelling for her. She must be sick of me. These phototgraphs are simply gorgeous. x

  4. I very much like that word Mmlle Nuno!
    The video is great isn't it Jacqui.....I especially like the group bit at the end :)
    Thanks Jane......I love reading the little vignettes she posts alongside the images on Flickr giving an insight into how/why she planned and produced each shot.

  5. Fantastic photographs and brilliant set up! x


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